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Button Labels

To customize the labels of the buttons, you can use the buttonLabels prop in the VTour component.

Using the buttonLabels prop

  <VTour :steps="steps" autoStart :buttonLabels='{next: "➡", back: "⬅", done: "✓", skip: "↪"}'/>
  <VTour :steps="steps" autoStart>
    <template #actions="{ lastStep, nextStep, endTour, _CurrentStep, getNextLabel, props }">
      <div class="vjt-actions">
        <button v-if="_CurrentStep.lastStep < _CurrentStep.currentStep" type="button" @click.prevent="lastStep()" v-text="props.buttonLabels?.back || 'Back'"></button>
        <button type="button" @click.prevent="nextStep()" v-text="getNextLabel"></button>


Customizing the action buttons

You can also customize the action button labels by using the actions slot.

  <VTour :steps="steps" autoStart :buttonLabels='{next: "➡", back: "⬅", done: "✓", skip: "↪"}'/>
  <VTour :steps="steps" autoStart>
    <template #actions="{ lastStep, nextStep, endTour, _CurrentStep, getNextLabel, props }">
      <div class="vjt-actions">
        <button v-if="_CurrentStep.lastStep < _CurrentStep.currentStep" type="button" @click.prevent="lastStep()">⬅</button>
        <button v-if="!props.hideSkip" type="button" @click.prevent="endTour()">↪</button>
        <button type="button" @click.prevent="nextStep()">➡</button>

The VTour component uses a computed property getNextLabel to determine the label of the Next button.

const getNextLabel: ComputedRef<String> = computed(() => {
    if(_CurrentStep.currentStep === props.steps.length - 1) return props.buttonLabels?.done || 'Done';
    return props.buttonLabels?.next || 'Next';


The nextStep method will automatically call the endTour method when the last step is reached.

Released under the MIT License.