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Create a tour

In this guide, you will learn how to create a tour using the vuejs-tour package.

Creating Steps

First of all, you need to create an array of steps. Each step should have a target and content property. The target property is a CSS selector that points to the element that the step should target. The content property is the text that will be displayed in the tour.

<script setup lang='ts'>
    import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue';
    import { VTour } from '@globalhive/vuejs-tour';
    import '@globalhive/vuejs-tour/dist/style.css';
    const steps = [{ 
        target: '[data-step="0"]',
        content: 'Step 1',
        target: '.some-class',
        content: 'Step 2',
        target: '#some-id',
        content: 'Step 3',

After creating the steps, you need to pass them to the VTour component as a prop.

    <VTour :steps="steps"/>
        <a href="" target="_blank">
        <a data-step="0" href="" target="_blank">
            <img src="/vite.svg" class="logo" alt="Vite logo" />
        <a href="" target="_blank">
        <a href="" target="_blank" class="some-class">
            <img src="./assets/vue.svg" class="logo vue" alt="Vue logo" />
    <HelloWorld msg="Vite + Vue" />
    <HelloWorld id="some-id" msg="Vite + Vue" />

Starting the Tour

To start the tour, you can use the autoStart prop. Or you can start the tour manually by calling the startTour method on the VTour component.

Using autoStart prop

    <VTour :steps="steps"/>
    <VTour :steps="steps" autoStart/>
        <a href="" target="_blank">
            <img src="/vite.svg" class="logo" alt="Vite logo" />
        <a href="" target="_blank">
            <img src="./assets/vue.svg" class="logo vue" alt="Vue logo" />
    <HelloWorld msg="Vite + Vue" />

Using startTour method

<script setup lang='ts'>
    import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue';
    import { VTour } from '@globalhive/vuejs-tour';
    import '@globalhive/vuejs-tour/dist/style.css';
    const steps = [...];
    const vTour = ref(); 

  <VTour :steps="steps"/>
  <VTour :steps="steps" ref="vTour"/>
    <a href="" target="_blank">
      <img src="/vite.svg" class="logo" alt="Vite logo" />
    <a href="" target="_blank">
      <img src="./assets/vue.svg" class="logo vue" alt="Vue logo" />
  <HelloWorld msg="Vite + Vue" />

That's it! You have successfully created a tour using the vuejs-tour package.

What's next?

Released under the MIT License.