

VueJS Tour is written for Vue 3. There are no plans to support Vue 2.x

nameStringdefaultfalseThe name used for this tour.
stepsArrayundefinedtrueAn array of steps to be used in the tour.
autoStartBooleanfalsefalseIf true, the tour will start automatically when the component is mounted.
startDelayNumber0falseIf set, the tour will start after x miliseconds.
highlightBooleanfalsefalseIf true, the target will get highlighted.
buttonLabelsObject{ next: "Next", prev: "Back", finish: "Finish", skip: "Skip"}falseThe labels used for the buttons.
saveToLocalStorageStringendfalseThe save mode used for this tour.

end step custom
backdropBooleanfalsefalseShow backdrop if tour is active.


Using this approach, the tour will start after 1 second, and the target will get highlighted.

    <VTour :steps="steps" startDelay='1000' autoStart highlight/>

<script setup>
const steps = [...];


Highlight example gif